Hello, that's me!


Dear all - I thought it was time to introduce myself here again. Most of you know my work, some of you know my face - and perhaps already have an idea of my background. But I'm neither a designer nor a tanner, I come from a completely different background: I studied political and Islamic sciences, international law and ethnology at the Universities of Zurich and Barcelona and actually wanted to go into peace research - but instead became a mother for the first time and stayed in Zurich for the time being. After a few years in business development for start-ups and in the social sector, I began to focus more intensively on the production of clothing and accessories. I realized how difficult it often is to find out who makes the products, where and under what conditions. This challenge inspired me to start my first own project.

My path led me to Kyrgyzstan, where I worked with Helvetas to set up two women's cooperatives and knitted cute children's clothes with the women from merino wool from the south of France, which I then sold in Switzerland. What began as a small project quickly developed into a passion. At the request of the Swiss animal welfare organization, I started another project together with a friend and set up a first supply chain for leather: starting with Swiss organic cattle from suckler cow husbandry. Further supply chains in Switzerland and abroad followed and my enthusiasm for this material, for regional supply chains and for agriculture grew steadily. And here I am now, a few years older, many experiences richer and still motivated to show the world that leather can be a wonderful material - if we produce it properly.

Incidentally, this picture was taken on a trip to Oporto, where I visited a tannery and factory together with my photographer and friend Angelika Annen. A beautiful memory of wonderful days!


Visit to Andrea and Fritz


Dyeing Leather with Plants - an Experiment